Questions about accessibility?
You can find the available facilities, AED points, toilets and more via the interactive accessibility map.
Can I participate as a wheelchair user?
Wheelchair users can definitely participate. If you are competitive and want to set a time, participation in the Albert Heijn 5 km (Walking &) Wheeling is made for you; your time will be registered. On the other hand, if participating is more important than winning, then the Albert Heijn 800 m (Walking &) Wheeling is for you. This distance is also intended for wheelchair users who are being pushed.
What is the best way to get to Breda?
We advise you to come to Breda preferably by bike or public transport.
On Singelloop Sunday, the city centre (within the red line) will be difficult or impossible to access by vehicles between approximately 7am and 7pm. From 6.30am, work will start to cordon off the city centre at the level of Claudius Prinsenlaan. At 10.15am at the latest, the cordoning off will be complete. Residents and businesses in the city centre can only leave the city centre between approx. 7.00 and 10.15 a.m. via Lunetstraat or J.F. Kennedylaan.
From 10.15 am onwards, these intersections will also be closed and it will only be possible to leave the city centre by vehicle to a very limited extent. After 7pm, the city will be back to normal for both entering and leaving traffic. Residents in the city centre will receive detailed explanations in their mailboxes before the Singelloop.
Where is parking available?
Visitors and participants coming by car can park in several car parks outside the city centre. It is not possible to park inside the Singels. Signs are posted on all exit roads around Breda directing you to various car parks, such as at Curio ( Wilhelminasingel 33), Breda University of Applied Sciences (Monseigneur Hopmansstraat 1, next to Sanquin Blood Bank) and Avans Hogeschool (Molengracht). All three car parks are within walking distance of the start. There are also possibilities to park on the roof of Breda Central Station (paid). From here it is a few minutes’ walk to the course.
Do you live in the municipality of Breda? Then come by bike! The bicycle shelters the Turfschip, Oude Vest and Nieuwstraat will open at 9am; bicycle shelters Concordiastraat and Haven will be open and guarded from 11am onwards. Our traffic controllers may make you wait for a while until you can safely cross the course.