Join the family run too!
Primary SchoolsThe Singelloop is a sports event where exercising and fun go hand in hand! Sport offers fun and relaxation and contributes to children’s development. You can see how powerful it is when these children proudly cross the finish line! By popular demand, we have moved the Family Run to the front of the program. Throughout the past years, the start of this event has been delayed several times due to different circumstances surrounding the course. The chances of that happening again have now become a lot more slim. Moreover, our youngest runners can immediatly lose themselves in their excitement, instead of having to contain it the whole day.
Simple registration
We are making it easy to register students, their parents and everyone who also wants to participate. By indicating how many start numbers you would like to receive by September 25, using the registration form below, you will guarantee your spot at the starting line. On the start number, there is space to enter the name of the student name, that way supporters know how to cheer them on.
Elementary school rate
Join the Family Run for the special elementary school rate of only €3.50 per participant/pupil.
We do not need to receive all personal details of the students, their parents and chaperones. Only the number of participants who will participate in the Family Run is sufficient. Please do ask if they want to participate in 800 meters (1 lap) or 2,200 meters (2 laps).
Enrollment Form Schools Package
Walk for children in poverty
Support Children's AidTake part in the Kinderhulp Familieloop and support more than 300,000 children in the Netherlands living in poverty. Get sponsored by your own friends and family!
Create an fundraiser on behalf of the Breda Singelloop mentioning your school. Send everyone you know the link of your fundraiser and ask them to donate.
In the Netherlands, 1 in 12 children up to the ages of 21 grow up in poverty. They make the best of it, but always notice that there is not enough money at home. Kinderhulp helps these childeren, with smal or sometimes big gestures. Something that gives them the strength to be part of society. A bicycle, a carefree day out, a Christmas present, a warm winter coat or even an education. So that these children can also belong. Now and in the future.
Win a fun cash prize
Register your school with as many participants as possible and who knows, you might win a nice cash prize!